ALBUM REVIEW: Hijacking The Zeitgeist – Exist

Progressive metal outfit EXIST have been honing their craft for over a decade, continuing to build steady momentum since their arrival on the scene with 2010’s In Mirrors EP. Four years have passed since the release of their previous effort Egoiista and with the recent recruitment of guitarist Charles Eron the band are looking to venture into a new chapter in the form of their fourth full-length release entitled Hijacking The Zeitgeist which is available now via Prosthetic Records. Will this release assist their ascension?

Blue Light Infinite jumps straight into energetic, jarring riffs with aggressive vocal bursts. Melody squeezes its way into the spotlight but the main objective here is unpredictable chaos. Thief Of Joy follows a similar blueprint, intense flutters of instrumentation with splashes of colour sprinkled throughout. Impressive lead work leaves its mark towards the latter stages. Hijacking The Zeitgeist maintains the confident, punchy tempo, continuing to engulf you in its frantic waves. Plentiful skills are exhibited but the sporadic shifts make it difficult to fully immerse yourself in the soundscape.

Funeral Toll possesses a cathartic pacing that glides along gracefully. There are still an abundance of groove-injected drum hooks to keep the adrenaline pumping. This mentality spills over into the eccentrically natured A Path To Nowhere. Gritty vocal lines tussle with a cleaner, melodic approach as the track ebbs and flows through varying phases. The track descends into madness as furious blast beats grab it by the throat.

One Degree Removed From Human keeps you on your toes with abrupt transitions in style. From inviting tones to death metal infused viciousness, each twist and turn uncovers something new and unexpected. Window To The All reprises the unrelenting syncopation and feverish drum sequences that have had a prominent part to play in this collection.

Hijacking The Zeitgeist may take a few listens to unravel the unconventional song structures on display. The sheer volatility of its orchestration will either overwhelm or intrigue the listener as it almost becomes too clever for its own good. EXIST have technicality in spades but this doesn’t always play to their advantage. The transitions throughout can be particularly sharp and disorientating, not really allowing you to become immediately invested in their compositions. If you prefer your music with an additional serving of anarchy this could well be the perfect candidate.

Rating: 7/10

Hijacking The Zeitgeist - Exist

Hijacking The Zeitgeist is out now via Prosthetic Records. 

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