ALBUM REVIEW: Funeral Sanctum – Witch Vomit

Some may argue the existence of ‘blue album supremacy’ within the death metal sphere: A collection of iconic records, linked by their noteworthy blue album covers. Falling into this category, the greats of ENTOMBED’s Left Hand Path, MORBID ANGELS Altars Of Madness and DEATH‘s Spiritual Healing; And now, as the artwork by Matt Stikker hints, Funeral Sanctum by WITCH VOMIT.

During their seven year reign, Portland’s WITCH VOMIT have continued to hone their sound. Each of the band’s four releases preserve the aggressive rawness that fits neatly within the new wave of OSDM, delivering no-frills death metal time after time. Fleshing out their sound in Poisoned Blood and Buried Deep In A Bottomless Grave, 2021’s EP, Abhorrent Rapture, demonstrated the mastery of their craft, not necessarily adding anything ‘new’ but still remaining bone-crushingly brutal. Funeral Sanctum feels somewhat of a rebirth, erupting into new heights. Experimenting with the well-loved vintage features and continuing the gloomy atmosphere bestowed upon us in earlier releases, their latest material takes a risk, branching out into new territory, which pays off incredibly well.

As with older material, the underpinning influence of horror movies, occult themes and nods to classic death metal bands such as AUTOPSY and ENTOMBED remain. But it’s the elevation of melody and invitation of elements from doom, black and tech metal that allows Funeral Sanctum to stand on a level of its own against previous releases. This evolution is particularly evident on tracks Blood Of Abomination and Domination Of A Darkened Realm that deliver constant overlapping evil harmonies comparable to early DISSECTION or SACRAMENTUM who’s 1996 album would also comfortably sit within the ‘blue album supremacy’ grouping. Despite pushing their boundaries, WITCH VOMIT have not even so much as glanced into melodeath territory and, thankfully, have not lost their putrid foundations. 

A standout feature on Funeral Sanctum is the constant barrage of riffs. Captivatingly weaving into one another, each harmony falls far from being uplifting, instead carrying a demonic, sinister tone that pairs perfectly with vocalist Tempter’s horrific gutturals and growls. Just as you become transfixed by one powerful tune, an even more hypnotising section keeps you engaged and leaves you reeling from the pummelling you’ve just received.

Adding to the the melody-enriched riffs, the production of this record is flawless; Each element is tightly interlaced, existing as a single entity, with nothing fading into the background. The harsh, rhythmic shredding occasionally pauses to open a window, letting the thick bass grooves peek through while the merciless blast beats sound like they come straight from hell. This tight relentlessness exists until the last moment, where the concluding track rips into an astonishing solo and ferociously tears through the solid rhythm in one final highlight. 

In a short, sweet 30 minutes, Funeral Sanctum achieves what it sets out to do. Jam-packed with mesmerising death metal, WITCH VOMIT have created a complex record without it feeling overwhelming or pretentious. It preserves the well-loved brutality and thrashing, while progressing the band’s sound, showcasing the growth of the band. As well as slotting into the ‘blue album supremacy’ class, Funeral Sanctum is sure to place as a standout of the year. 

Rating: 8/10

Funeral Sanctum - Witch Vomit

Funeral Sanctum is out now via 20 Buck Spin. 

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