Domination Campaign: Old School Passion Project

Antipodean extreme metal duo Jason Peppiatt and Joe Haley are widely known for their work in tech death metal powerhouse PSYCROPTIC.  However, 2024 also sees the two teaming up together to release a second album under traditional death metal guise DOMINATION CAMPAIGN. While their debut Onward To Glory was released in 2021, Storm Of Steel was, creatively at least, hot on heels of the first album. 

As Jason tells it, “we started writing A Storm Of Steel as soon as we finished Onward To Glory. It was all done during COVID times so we had plenty of time on our hands and we were pretty excited about the whole thing after the first release.”

For those familiar with both albums, as A Storm Of Steel was released earlier this month.  There is a definite sonic signature that DOMINATION CAMPAIGN has developed.  However, there is noticeable growth in terms of musicality and composition on the sophomore release. Jason explains; “I wanted to continue with the heaviness from the first album but we wanted to add something more with A Storm Of Steel’ and that was just kind of the direction it took. Joe is a really great and creative guitarist so he helped me with putting the lead lines and harmonies together.”

With this in mind, it’s clear to see that DOMINATION CAMPAIGN is very much the concept of two musicians who know each other well, just getting together to create the type of music they love. This can be in no doubt when Jason follows up with, “I don’t feel that the creative process for us is anything but fun, really! Joe and I work so well together and just enjoy doing stuff that’s so over the top and heavy. We don’t feel any pressure with DOMINATION CAMPAIGN, which is great, so it really is just about us enjoying the process.”

Musicians having separate projects aware from their main creative output is nothing new. Many artists can cultivate highly successful solo/collaborative creative channels. What can sometimes happen though is a blurring between artistic visions and similarities can creep in. Not an issue for Jason, “we try to keep DOMINATION CAMPAIGN totally different in all aspects to what we do with PSYCROPTIC.” Indeed, the old school style of DOMINATION CAMPAIGN is a forefront signature of their sound which dominates both albums and marks the music out distinctly from the catalogue of PSYCROPTIC

When it comes to defining the sound of DOMINATION CAMPAIGN, there is nothing subtle about it. Comparisons have been drawn to some of the big forerunners of the death metal genre and some critics have said that there is a lack of unique spark because of how prominent their influences are. Not that this worries Jason, ‘…to be completely honest, we aren’t trying to do anything new or trying to be innovative with DOMINATION CAMPAIGN, so we don’t really mind if our influences are there front and centre or if people think certain parts are rip offs from the old masters of the genre. DOMINATION CAMPAIGN is a bit of a tribute to those old bands that have been so influential on me throughout my life.” This is therefore a passion project in its truest sense, musicians happily paying homage to the artists that have left a creative impression upon them and having fun with it. 

With the idea of DOMINATION CAMPAIGN taking such a clear inspiration for their riffs, it’s no surprise the lyrical content is also stamped with traditional genre traits.  Metal music particularly extreme metal has also flirted with the concept of war. From BLACK SABBATH to more contemporary musicians, conflict has always been an underlying theme within lyrics. Jason muses on this, “I think extreme metal has always had extreme lyrical content and themes and I guess the World Wars are about as extreme as it gets really. The World Wars have always been something I’ve been interested in, it felt like something I could write a lot of songs about and kind of keep things different to the way I would write a PSYCROPTIC album.”

From the perspective of being both a solo artist and established band member for PSYCROPTIC, Peppiatt has an advantageous position to see how the scene has developed and looks favourably on what is on offer for fans. “I think the metal scene is so strong at the moment. I feel that after the whole COVID lockdown period that people have come back with a really refreshed love of it and there’s so many younger bands now that are coming out with some really exceptional albums.”

While it’s been talked about at length and is (hopefully) a thing of the past. It is true that the impact of COVID has allowed for musicians to unlock creativity in new ways. Being unable to rehearse in person led to an abundance of collaborations around the globe with the benefit of file sharing. This has been healthy for the metal scene as Jason explains. However, he is also keen to point out, the jam room will never be replaced. “I think there will always be the need for bands getting together in a jam room. I wish we could do it more with PSYCROPTIC to be honest. Writing an album remotely and in a studio, environment is definitely convenient and often yields some really great creative results but I do feel when bands are starting out writing in the jam room really is the greatest thing.”

For those in the DOMINATION CAMPAIGN fanbase it’s a relief to know that they have no plans of going anywhere yet. With a laugh, Jason says, “we are talking about putting together a live band this year but will see how that progresses over the next couple months. We’re also very keen to start writing the next album now that A Storm Of Steel has been released. This definitely isn’t the last people will be seeing of us.”

A Storm Of Steel is out now via Prosthetic Records.


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