Enterprise Earth Share Music Video for “Blood and Teeth”

Enterprise Earth Press Photo Sept 2023 – Credit Nick Chance

Enterprise Earth just released their new record, and they paired it with a gnarly new video.

Death: An Anthology is their fifth record, and the extremely brutal “Blood and Teeth” gives a sneak peak to anyone who still hasn’t picked up the record.

About “Blood and Teeth,” the band say:

“‘Blood and Teeth’ lays out a gut-wrenching story of poisonous attachment, a cycle of self-harm and submission to the tragic realization of how much pain one can put themselves through for the sake of another’s admiration. Musically, this is the most elaborate song on Death: An Anthology.

“Moving through a clean piano intro, to blazing leads over a catchy groove, to death metal riffage, to a catchy, metalcore-adjacent chorus, to a dare we say sexy bridge, only to unleash the filthiest breakdown of the album at the end. The video is a direct visual representation of this, and we hope it evokes an emotional response similar to the ones felt in its production.”

About the record, guitarist Gabe Mangold says:

“I consider Death: An Anthology to be our most expressive, intense, diverse, and finest work that Enterprise Earth has ever achieved so far, and I hope I can say that with every body of music that we release. This album was SO much fun to create from every facet and while there are many peaks of brutality and valleys of melodic expressiveness; I hope the listener experiences the same emotions while listening that we did while creating: sheer enjoyment, empowerment, unity, catharsis, and so much more. Drown in Abyss, let it take us.”

Grab their new record now to hear the rest of the heaviness.